Bingo Tea – Sunday 16 February

Fancy a wee flutter on the numbers in aid of a good cause? New Abernethy Playgroup are hosting a bingo tea in the hall this Sunday. There will be bingo, home baking and a raffle. Adults £2, Children / Concessions £1, Family Ticket £5. Doors open 1.30pm with Eyes down at 2.00pm.

Wow, thank you!

Thank you to everyone who came along last Saturday to the quiz night. We raised a much needed £370 for the hall and had a lot of fun doing it too. The raffle was very well supported with many of you donating prizes (and then winning them back?!) and we want to say a big …

Quiz Night. 18 Jan 2014.

Feeling blue now Christmas & Hogmanay is over? Looking into January with no fun in sight? Wanting something to look forward to and an excuse to finish up all the leftover booze in the house? Then look no further: Sat 18 Jan at 7.30 at the hall is quiz night!

Abernethy Music Grand Bal du Plein Hiver – Sat 8 Feb 2014

Abernethy Music will be hosting it’s inaugural French Dance in Scotland event at Williamson Hall on the 8 February. An afternoon workshop followed by a Grand Bal du Plein Hiver (that’s Grand Winter Ball for those of you without google translate enabled) – a chance to learn a new dance tradition and whirl the night …

The Abernethy DARE! Scottish Mountain Bike Orienteering Event. Sat 16 Nov.

Like a bit of mountain biking? Looking to try something new? Want a good event out and around Abernethy AND fancy a bargain entry fee? On Sat 16 Nov the Williamson Hall is being used as a base for a Scottish Mountain Bike Orienteering Event. Special £1 entry for 1st 50 Riders! More Info at: …

P&K Quality of Life Trust Funding Obtained for Hall repairs!

Williamson Hall want to say a HUGE thank you to the Perth & Kinross Quality of Life Trust. We found out today that our application for financial assistance towards paying for some much needed repairs and maintenance has been granted. New oil tank, drains and roof repairs here we come!

Abernethy Horticultural Society Garden Day – 21 Sep 13

Remember this Saturday is Garden Day at the Hall. Any donations of home baking or home made / grown produce very gratefully accepted – please drop off at the hall between 9.30am – 11am on Saturday morning. Also if you have any unwanted or unused jam jars, demijohns, or anything related to preserving then please …