Abernethy Playgroup – Play Manager Vacancy

Abernethy Playgroup – Play Manager Wanted Play Manager wanted to work Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 9am – 12.30pm during term time. We are looking for someone who will have responsibility for the provision of a warm, caring and welcoming environment in which children will be given plenty of opportunity to learn, develop and explore …

Relief Caretaker Position Available

WILLIAMSON HALL CARETAKER – RELIEF/MATERNITY COVER REQUIRED We are looking for someone to provide cover initially for a period of maternity leave then ongoing relief to cover sickness, holidays, etc. Duties include cleaning, ordering oil and cleaning supplies and routine fire alarm testing. Hours required during the maternity cover are a minimum of 1 hour each …

Just one chance left!

We now have just one space available for a local business who would like the chance to come along and have a stall at the fete on Saturday. Gazebo and table are provided and we charge just £10 for a local small set up. If you are interested then please contact Jill Young. It’s available …