Fete Night Ceilidh Tickets – Sat 20 June

Tickets for the fete night ceilidh have just been ordered from the printer and will be available in a few days time! BYOB, £10 per head and with Kate & Roddy from the Inn Music Sessions / Dancing Feet Ceilidh Band. To reserve yours please contact Sue Smith on 7534786072.

625s are back! – Sat 21 March

The 625s are always a great night out at the hall, and they are back on the 21 March! Come along and hear one of the best local bands around, and help raise some ££ for a very worthy cause. Tickets are on sale from Jill Young.

Hiring Williamson Hall

At last week’s AGM we made the reluctant decision to raise the cost of hiring the hall. Fees have not increased for almost 5 years and we currently don’t adequatley cover the cost of running the hall from the rentals.  So from 1 April our new fees will be: Midweek = £10 per hour Weekends …