Williamson Hall Abernethy – Conditions of Let June 2024

These Conditions of Let form a contract of hire and apply to all bookings for Williamson Hall. If additional Conditions of Let are deemed to be required for some bookings; these will be advised at time of acceptance of the booking.

It is important that you read these Conditions of Let fully, as they require you to accept specific responsibilities and liabilities. It is your responsibility to fully understand what is required – please ask the Booking Secretary if you are unclear.

The Contract of Let takes effect from receipt of full payment.  Scottish Law governs the contract in all respects.


  • Any part of the building is available for hire for any lawful purpose, but the Hall Management Committee reserves the right to refuse a booking request without giving any reason.
  • Bookings by persons aged less than 25 years old cannot be accepted.
  • Bookings for 18th or 21st Birthday parties are accepted at the Hall Management Committee’s discretion, and on the condition that the Hirer is in supervisory capacity.
  • In the event of a dispute arising regarding a booking/hire, the Hall Management Committee’s decision will be final and binding.
  • The Hall Management Committee reserve the right to cancel the booking in the event of
    1. The premises being required for use as a Polling Station for a Parliamentary or Local Government election or by-election.
    2. The Hall Management Committee reasonably considering that (i) such hiring will lead to a breach of licensing conditions, if applicable, or other legal or statutory requirements, or (ii) unlawful or unsuitable activities will take place at the premises as a result of this hiring.
    3. The premises becoming unfit for the use intended by the Hirer.
    4. An emergency requiring use of the premises as a shelter for the victims of flooding, snowstorm, fire, explosion or those at risk of these or similar disasters.
    5. The introduction of UK or Scottish Government Guidelines or Restrictions or legal requirements that mandate the closure or the Hall or the prohibition of certain types of events (e.g. Covid restrictions).

In any such case the Hirer shall be entitled to a refund of any monies already paid, but the Hall sHall not be liable to the Hirer for any resulting direct or indirect loss or damages whatsoever and its liability is restricted to the refund of said monies already paid.

  • The Hall Management Committee reserve the right to amend the Contract of Let and Schedule of Hire Charges at any time.
  • Under the terms of the Hall’s Public Entertainment Licence, events at the Hall should end by 12 Midnight at the latest, with the exception to this being on Hogmanay when the event should end by 12.30am. After this time, only those helping to clear up after the event should remain on the Hall premises.


Charges & Cancellations:

  • The hire charge must be paid to the Hall Treasurer in full at least seven days prior to the date of hire.
  • Access to the Hall will not be granted without payment being made (NB: for payment for hire by cheque you must allow a period of an additional five working days in order that cleared funds are available seven days prior to hire commencing).
  • The exception to the above is strictly for a) Regular User Group Hirers who will be invoiced quarterly in arrears. b) Constituted Village Societies, Clubs and known individuals who have booked the Hall on a number of occasions previously, who will be invoiced monthly in arrears at the discretion of the Hall Treasurer. Payment terms are strictly 14 days from the date of invoice.
  • For wedding receptions and longer or bespoke hires the rates are to be agreed separately with the Bookings Secretary.
  • Hirers may cancel bookings by giving at least one week’s notice.
  • Cancellations made with less than one week’s notice are liable to a payment of the whole hiring charge.



  • The Hirer shall ensure that nothing is done on or in relation to the premises in contravention of the law relating to gaming, betting and lotteries.
  • Williamson Hall holds a Public Entertainment Licence as well as a licence issued by the Performing Right Society (PRS) and the Phonographic Performance Licence (PPL). It does not hold an alcohol licence.
  • The Hirer is responsible for ensuring any licences which may be required are in place and the conditions of such are adhered to (e.g. alcohol, gambling, trading or food hygiene). Hirers should ensure that they have the appropriate premises licences for any hire to show films. If required, please contact Perth & Kinross Council Licensing Department for advice on requirements.


Health & Safety:

  • For fire safety, licensing and insurance purposes, the maximum number of people permitted in the Hall at any time is 100 in total (this to include band members, caterers, etc. and includes anyone within the kitchen / anteroom).
  • The Hirer is solely responsible for the Health & Safety of persons attending their activity/event. Nothing shall be done, nor shall anything be brought on to the premises, which may create a risk to the building or its occupants.
  • Bouncy Castle Use: We do not provide any insurance cover for liability or material damage related to
    bouncy castles. Any use of bouncy castles within the hall is entirely at your own risk and you should ensure the activity is supervised by a competent adult at all times. We recommend that you have your own insurance in place and make certain the hire company holds suitable public liability insurance.
  • It is recommended that the Hirer consider the need to have their own Public Liability Insurance to cover the activity undertaken at the hall during their hire.
  • The Hirer must be at the Hall personally throughout the period of the let, as under the terms of any hire, the Hirer is classed as the person responsible for fire safety and must ensure all persons attending the activity/event are aware of the location of fire exits and what to do in the case of a suspected fire. Guidance on fire safety is displayed on the notice board in the entrance vestibule and a copy of the Hall’s fire safety policy is provided at the time of booking.
  • The guidance given with the Hall’s Fire Safety Policy should be considered to form part of the Conditions of Let.
  • The Hall Management Committee reserves the right to enter the Hall at any time during an event if it has reason to believe there may be a problem, and to impose further conditions on the spot or curtail the event as it considers necessary for the welfare of guests or the safety of the building or the impropriety of use.
  • Fire exits must be kept clear at all times.
  • The Hirer is also responsible for reporting of any accidents and defects. A basic First Aid Kit is situated in the kitchen / ante room. All accidents should be reported in the Hall’s Accident Book, which is situated on the windowsill in the kitchen / anteroom.
  • There is a defibrillator situated external to the Hall at the main entrance. Instructions for use and contacting the emergency services are included on and within the cabinet.
  • There is no voice telephone line at the Hall. We recommend the availability of a mobile phone for all functions.



  • The Hall should be left as it was found with all items cleaned & returned to their usual place, the floor swept, heating reset, cooker, hot water immersion and all lights switched off and the doors securely locked.
  • Any damage to the Hall premises or grounds, or any breakages of equipment or crockery must be reported to the Bookings Secretary and paid for.
  • The Hall Committee reserves the right to invoice for additional surcharges, e.g. for cleaning if the Hall is not left in a suitable condition or if breakages are not reported.
  • The Hirer should take away all waste glass for recycling. General waste and other recyclable items should be placed in outside bins. The Hall Committee reserves the right to invoice additional surcharges or pass on any fines levied by Perth & Kinross Council should recycling and waste not be sorted and disposed of appropriately.
  • The Hirer may only use the Hall for the purpose stated on the booking form.
  • No animals except guide dogs / registered assistance animals are permitted in the Hall without the Hall Committee’s prior agreement.
  • Noise should be kept to a minimum when arriving at or leaving the Hall and cars must be parked with consideration for neighbouring residents without blocking garages, driveways, etc.
  • The Hirer shall ensure that in order to avoid disturbing neighbours to the Hall and avoid violent or criminal behaviour; care shall be taken to avoid excessive consumption of alcohol. No illegal drugs may be brought onto the premises. Drunk and disorderly behaviour shall not be permitted either on the premises or in its immediate vicinity. Any person suspected of being excessively drunk, under the influence of drugs or who is behaving in a violent or disorderly way should be asked to leave the premises.
  • The Hall Management Committee accepts no responsibility for any stored equipment or other property brought on to or left at the premises, and all liability for loss or damage is hereby excluded. All equipment and other property (other than prior agreed stored equipment) must be removed at the end of each hiring or fees will be charged for each day or part of a day at the hire fee per hiring until the same is removed.
  • The Hall Management Committee may use its discretion where the Hirer fails to remove or dispose of any property brought on to the premises for the purposes of the hiring. This may result in the Hall Management Committee disposing of any such items by sale or otherwise on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit, and charge the Hirer any costs incurred in storing and selling or otherwise disposing of the same
  • Should the Hall be unfit for the use for which it has been hired, the Committee shall not be liable for any resulting loss or damage. Responsibility for ensuring the Hall is suitable for activities booked lies with the Hirer.



Children & Vulnerable Groups:

  • The Hirer shall ensure that any activities for children or vulnerable adults comply with the provisions of the Children & Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007. Only fit and proper persons who have passed the appropriate PVG checks should have access to children or vulnerable adults. The Hirer shall provide the Hall Management Committee with a copy of their Safeguarding Policies on request.
  • Children shall be restricted from viewing age-restricted films classified according to the recommendations of the British Board of Film Classification.


Wifi & CCTV

  • Complimentary WiFi Internet access is provided free of charge to legitimate users of the village hall on a fair and ethical use basis.
  • Use of the Wifi is governed by separate Wifi Terms & Conditions which each individual is required to consent to prior to accessing the service. These Terms & Conditions are available to view on our website at williamsonhall.org.uk
  • We do not guarantee uninterrupted access to Williamson Hall WiFi and we may suspend the service at any time, for any reason, in our sole discretion.
  • Williamson Hall WiFi is not a secure network and we are not responsible for the security of the information and data which you transmit using it. We are not responsible for the accuracy of any information or data obtained from the internet using Williamson Hall Wifi.
  • You are hereby notified that CCTV is installed at Williamson Hall in order to a) maintain the security of the premises b) to deter, detect and prevent crime, vandalism and anti-social behaviour c) to provide a safe and secure environment for volunteers, hirers, visitors and contractors and d) to assist Law Enforcement Agencies to carry out their lawful duties.
  • Williamson Hall CCTV covers the exterior of the building, including the two entrances / exits. There are no internal cameras within Williamson Hall. Our CCTV is covered by our separate CCTV policy which can be found on our website at williamsonhall.org.uk
  • Acceptance of the Conditions of Let includes consent to images being recorded and stored subject to the terms outlined in the Williamson Hall CCTV policy.




  • Williamson Hall Management Committee’s Data & Privacy Policy, which outlines what data what we do with any data you provide and how we process and protect it can be found on our website williamsonhall.org.uk