This time next week…….

Well this time next week the fete will be over and hopefully the kids (in fancy dress?) will have had a bounce, their faces painted, badges made, stalls and games enjoyed and had an ice cream and been stuffed full of cake and candy. You’ll be admiring your raffle prizes, remembering how great those cakes …

Fete Fancy Dress

For this year’s competition there will be prizes for the best group and the best individual. No theme this year so get those imaginations working! Will the Rainbows hang onto the group trophy or is there another group in the village up to the challenge??!!

Fete donations request

Having a sort out at home or need some motivation to have one? Feeling creative in the kitchen? Want to cut down on your alcohol intake but drink cupboard overstocked?* Well, we may be able to help! We are after donations of books, raffle prizes, bottles and home-baking to help with the fete. If you …

Fete Poster

We have our official fete poster for 2013! Thanks are due to Gareth Christie for doing another superb job for us. If you ever need any digital design / web-hosting or similar then he’s your man.